The most complex person to lead is us, and building ongoing practices will help with leading yourself and the people you are working with
Join Janic Gorayeb, the Founder and Creative Curator for Ripple Effect Leadership, in this interactive and in-person workshop.
She will share unique ways to build wellness and personal leadership capacity as an entrepreneur such as:
• How best to manage your emails
• How and when to hit the reset button
• Tactics to get those tasks we avoid done
• Building creative habits to help you expand your business and your team.
Janic has helped non-profit and for-profit companies to awaken their creative leadership development and align with their core values to create positive ripple effects in the work they do.
Janic helps entrepreneurs and organizations build collaborative teams while building their purpose and biz from the inside out. Her approach is to create fun and practical workshops and online courses to inspire fellow entrepreneurs to step into their leadership roles with confidence.
Presented by the Small Business Centre