Are previous improvements sustained and improved upon, months and years down the road? If you have ever been concerned about how well employees adopt necessary workplace changes, please know that you are not alone. Often, "how" we adopt change becomes as important as "what" we are changing.
Discussions with manufacturers (and service providers) across Canada indicate that change is only 20% the result of evaluating a new tool or method (the "technical" side of change). The remaining 80% of effort to make improvements in the workplace has to do with "people". Their willingness to evaluate, embrace, and implement changes is a very significant concern. Companies that have found a way of improving the "people" side of change report that this is also an incredible opportunity.
Join us, along with our guest Devin Melanson, as he shares the actual training and coaching methods used with front line operators, leaders, and managers to unlock each person's commitment to making appropriate changes in how work gets done. Devin's 35-year career includes P&L accountability for consumer electronics, military, automotive, point of purchase retail, and aerospace. He is equally at home speaking to the teams on the shop floor, logistics, engineering, maintenance, and the ownership group in the board room.