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Export to Foreign Markets with Marketing Tools and Grants



As businesses across the world open up across the world, and many businesses and consumers adapting to the new digital landscape, there has never been a better time to start selling products and services in new markets from around the globe.

Mentor Works has teamed up with Alta Consulting to present to attendees the best practices for creating a market entry plan, and the latest marketing tools available to them. These tools and other related expenses can be partially funded with Canadian government grant and export incentive programs, which will also be covered in this webinar.

In order to help you scale up your business, improve your marketing strategies, and expand to the US or other markets, in this Webinar we will share important and useful insights on:

  • What marketing tactics and strategies are currently working to drive demand in the US;
  • How to develop an effective marketing plan to expand your market;
  • How to create winning marketing campaigns with a small team;
  • How buyer behaviour has changed and what is required to drive results; and
  • What government funding is available to support your marketing plan.

This is how I can help.

Ashley Conyngham

Ashley Conyngham

Director, Marketing and Communications

  • I can share your local business news & events
  • Promote your tech or manufacturing jobs 
  • Collaborate with you on your industry event
  • Help your business reach new audiences
  • Provide communications support for your SME

This is how i can help