Fanshawe's career fairs provide opportunities for both students and employers. Some students will be looking for part-time, co-op employment or summer employment, while those closer to graduation are able to connect with employers in their field of study and grow their networks. Employers are able to meet future employees and also build brand awareness with the next generation of clients and consumers.
Date: Friday, March 4, 2022
Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Where: Hosted online via Pheedloop.
While this is a virtual event, students are expected to be dressed in appropriate business attire and should be prepared to share a digital version of their resume with employers. Resumes must be in PDF format and smaller than 5 MB to be uploaded.
Registration Closes March 3, 2022.
Please have your event booth information completed by February 25, 2022.