Attracting mentors for your venture can be the key to propelling your technology. Where do you start? Right here.
Bright ideas can only go so far in a vacuum. With an abundance of knowledge and insight, the right mentor can help turn an entrepreneur's bold vision into a thriving venture. Whether you are defining your big idea, finding market fit or scaling your business, having access to the right advisors, can be a major contributor to gaining customer insight, expanding your product offering, connecting you to capital and helping to forecast potential roadblocks before they occur.
Not everyone has a “rolodex” or network of mentors in the beginning, so take this opportunity to learn from, listen to and ask questions of three outstanding entrepreneurs and mentors who have filled the role of advisor for many innovative businesses and bring to the table a broad perspective mixed with vast experience. They will walk us through what to look for, how to find it and things to avoid when building your advisory dream team.