Taking your product idea to market and beyond
About this event
You have your product vision, have done your market research and are ready to produce your what? Chat with three accomplished founders who have been there and done that, and discuss all that goes into taking a product idea to market.
With decades of manufacturing experience between them Mike Banovsky, President of MPB Industrial Ltd. and Entrepreneur-in-Residence at TechAlliance; Jenessa Olsen Co-Founder of In the ClearZone; and Carmina Young Founder and CEO, Carmina de Young Fashion Design Inc. and CYHealth, will help you gather insight and wisdom, and answer all the questions swirling around in your mind about manufacturing your product.
Sure to hit home for those about to take their next breakthrough product to market, be a part of this open discussion on how to develop your manufacturing masterplan, from sourcing raw materials, and connecting with the right people, to machinery, skilled labour, government regulations, supply chain process, safety and more!
Whether you’re just about to start production or planning your exit strategy, this chat promises to bring valuable lived experience into your periphery that will help you plan your next step.