Curated by Simple Reflections for Artists, the Forest City Fusion Art Exhibit features 20 London-based artists of 11 different countries of origin of all different mediums and styles. Digital, acrylic, sculptural, watercolour and mixed media pieces will be exhibited with diverse themes such as landscapes, female forms, geometric shapes,
light and cityscapes.
This exhibition will be running from September 24th until October 12th, and will be featuring an opening reception on Thursday, September 26th from 6 PM until 9 PM.
Featured artists:
Amsa Yaro, Adora, Brad Spencer, Catherine Eichstedt, Dario Novoa, Daniel Sanchez, Edgar Castro, Edward DeMarsh, G. Harley Salamanca, Ilona Burghardt, Karoline Feagan, Katharina Bilka, Kris Popiolek, Larissa Medeiros, Luiza Kaminska, Michelle Ellis, Selma Popovic, Diego Trujillo, Yana Litus, Diego Tamayo.
Opening Night: September 26th, 2024, 6-9 PM.
Exhibition: September 24th - 12th, 2024