Celebrating nearly 200 local and regional musicians nominated across all categories for the 22nd annual Forest City London Music Awards.
London Music Week is the biggest celebration of London and area music and musicians. Planning for the event dates back to the early years of the project, and with the help of our volunteer Board of Directors and some 60 volunteers forming the Steering Committee, we highlight the areas that are best in music.
The week is comprised of numerous events celebrating, encouraging, and supporting musicians from this area of Ontario. FCLMW is anchored by the FCLMA Jazz and Classical Awards Show on opening night at the famed Aeolian Hall and closes with the FCLMA Pop & Rock Awards Gala Show at the London Music Hall.
Events throughout the week include:
- The annual SoundCheck for Success
- Our music career day and professional development panel/seminar/mentorship day
- London Live featuring many of London’s downtown live music venues
- The FCLMA Battle of the High School Bands, supporting young musicians
- A variety of showcases cut across genres and styles to present the area's musicians to the community at large.