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Funding Support for Canadian Businesses



As we move into the fall season as we contain the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have gone through the process of applying for government funding and are looking at other funding programs they may be eligible for.

During this webinar, we'll share our insights on what the Canadian government funding landscape may look like for Fall 2021, including COVID-19 financial support and the top grant, loan, wage subsidy, and tax credit programs businesses should be aware of.

Webinar Speaker

Alex Barlow

Alex Barlow

Business Development Executive, Mentor Works Ltd.

Alex is a Business Development Executive at Mentor Works. As part of this role, she works closely with businesses to develop customized Government Funding Plans. Through this deep understanding of government grants, loans and tax incentives, she can identify a way for businesses to maximize cash flow. The best part of her job is connecting with passionate, forward-thinking business owners to learn about their operations, including their challenges to, and opportunities for, growth.


This is how I can help.

Ashley Conyngham

Ashley Conyngham

Director, Marketing and Communications

  • I can share your local business news & events
  • Promote your tech or manufacturing jobs 
  • Collaborate with you on your industry event
  • Help your business reach new audiences
  • Provide communications support for your SME

This is how i can help