This information sessions aims to provide potential applicants with an opportunity to ask questions about the application process
Intersectoral Action Fund refers to the ways that different groups and sectors of society work together to improve health and the conditions that shape health. Under the Intersectoral Action Fund, the Public Health Agency of Canada is seeking proposals for community-based projects that support collective action on the social determinants of health. Specifically, this solicitation will aim to build capacity for intersectoral action across three project Streams:
- Stream 1: Identify priority areas for collective action on social determinants of health and wellbeing
- Stream 2: Foster transformative partnerships to facilitate action on social determinants of health and wellbeing
- Stream 3: Build capacity to take action on social determinants of health and wellbeing
If your organization is working in one of the above areas, or if these are areas where you would like to undertake new work, we encourage you to apply. Applications from small organizations are welcome – organizations can apply for between $25,000 and $250,000 per project. The deadline to submit an application for this funding opportunity is July 12, 2021 at 3:00pm EDT. If you are interested in applying to this funding opportunity, please email and reference “Intersectoral Action Fund” in the subject line to request an application package. Only Funding Requests using the template provided in the application package will be considered.
For answers to commonly asked questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section for the Intersectoral Action Fund. If you have questions about this funding opportunity, please email:
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Meeting Number/Access Code: 173 012 8014
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