Understand the link between your personal and business finances. Learn tips to manage your personal finances to better your business outcome
About this event
A common cause of failure among startups is the business owner running out of cash before the business has time to become successful. The connection between home and business finances is something that many entrepreneurs fail to plan for when they launch a new business.
This workshop looks at how the finances of the business and its owner are connected, including cash flow and debt. We also explore ways in which an entrepreneur can more effectively manage the personal side of this financial equation to ensure that their business has the best chance for success through the startup phase and lifespan of the business.
This workshop is good for those planning a start up, and entrepreneurs who are in the first few years of running a business.
This 90-minute webinar will discuss:
- How to keep track and organize business expenses, banking options, and basic bookkeeping topics
- Learn how personal finances and business goals are interrelated and why this is important information to know
- Learn how to develop and follow a Personal Abundance Plan
- Open Q and A session and interactive discussion
Presented by Danielle Corcoran - The Corcoran Coaching Group