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The Science of Talk Workshop



Communication is considered one of the most valuable skills in life and business. We use our natural human abilities to communicate every day. We convey ideas, motivate action, connect with peers - yet when it comes to speaking in front of groups of people or large audiences, something weird happens... we shrink. We become afraid of what people will think, of how they'll receive our ideas, and we worry about how we'll perform. Whether you're deeply fearful of public speaking, or simply want to take your game to the next level, let us help you unlock your communication potential.

In this session led by Speaker Labs founders Eric Silverberg (HBA'10, MBA'14) and Eli Gladstone (HBA'10), you will learn:

  • How to develop narrative in presentations (Storyline)
  • How to optimize your body and voice to captivate (Delivery)
  • How to create visual aids that complement your presentation (Visuals)

Speaker Labs: Transforming entrepreneurs, leaders and teams into world-class public speakers.

This is how I can help.

Ashley Conyngham

Ashley Conyngham

Director, Marketing and Communications

  • I can share your local business news & events
  • Promote your tech or manufacturing jobs 
  • Collaborate with you on your industry event
  • Help your business reach new audiences
  • Provide communications support for your SME

This is how i can help