With guest artists Tom Allen and Lori Gemmell
This Hallowe’en, CBC “About Time” host Tom Allen and harpist Lori Gemmell join London Symphonia as visitors to the grotesque world of Edgar Allan Poe.
Tom most recently joined London Symphonia as the jovial host and resident poet for Carnival of the Animals and The Hockey Sweater. This time, he reveals a seldom exposed darker side as he ushers us into the delicious cerebral torment of Poe’s mystical romanticism.
This concert features The Raven by Canadian legend Alexina Louie and André Caplet’s Conte Fantastique (inspired by Poe’s The Masque of Red Death), along with excerpts from Claude Debussy’s mysterious and powerful String Quartet.
The Raven by Alexina Louie
Conte Fantastique by André Caplet
String Quartet in G Minor, Op. 10 by Claude Debussy
Livestream Viewing Party: $30 with option to upgrade to in-person for $5 when announced (plus processing fee & HST)
In-Person: $35 Regular, $17 Student (plus processing fee & HST)
Themed Light Dinners: $25/meal - pick-up prior to the concert from Growing Chefs’ location
More Info:
*20-days prior to performances, we will announce in-person ticket availability and the special pandemic health and safety measures required.
Parking and accessibility at Aeolian Hall
A temporary ramp is available at the Dundas St. entrance. Volunteers are available to assist patrons before and after a performance. Please contact the Box Office at 519-672-7950 before the performance, if possible, to arrange for assistance.
The accessible elevator is accessed through the Dundas Street Entrance