An Interactive Virtual Connector Session powered by LEDC & Western Research Parks. Presented by Daria (Dasha) Krivonos, CEO & Futurist
Leveraging Megatrends, Mitigating Risks, and Seizing Opportunities for Futures
In partnership with the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), Western Research Parks empowers innovators, entrepreneurs, and businesses with the tools and knowledge required to achieve success in today’s dynamic business landscape. This includes leveraging megatrends, mitigating risks, and seizing opportunities.
In today’s rapidly changing world, the age-old saying “with great power comes great responsibility” is reshaped into “with great power comes great uncertainty” in the 21st century.
Megatrends shape the course of the world for decades, yet uncertainty constantly alters their trajectories.
Forecasts, often relied upon for decision-making, are built on assumptions, leading to static world views amidst constant change.
However, uncertainty is not a flaw but a defining characteristic. By staying informed about megatrends and uncertainties, we can shift from reacting to “what now?” to preparing for “what if?” This shift enables timely risk mitigation and early opportunity identification.
We cordially invite you to participate in our inaugural interactive virtual Connector Session, “Uncertainty is a Feature, Not a Bug,” presented by world-renowned international speaker Daria (Dasha) Krivonos, CEO of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies. This online event will guide us in shifting our perspective from viewing the future as merely “important” to considering it “urgent” in our discussions.
We extend this warm invitation to innovators, entrepreneurs, and businesses alike to join us for this transformative virtual Connector Session!
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM: Keynote Address & Interactive Session
Keynote Speaker:
Daria (Dasha) Krivonos is CEO of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies. She has a background in strategic risk management across multiple sectors. She firmly believes that managing short-term risks and looking beyond the immediate planning horizon are equally essential approaches to manoeuvring an organisation through the uncertainties of the future.
Dasha’s broad knowledge of both megatrends and societal development patterns, combined with her hands-on experience as Head of Enterprise Risk Management at the A.P. Møller-Mærsk Group, demonstrates Dasha’s proficiency in applying research directly to concrete realities and the challenges that companies and organisations face.
Dasha co-wrote the report The New Age of Trade: Trends and Drivers Shaping the World Economy (2018) and presented its main conclusions at multiple members’ events hosted in Copenhagen, Oslo and Brussels.
Dasha's expertise lies primarily within Economy, Geopolitics, Trade, Risk Management, Climate and Environment.