In the summer and fall of 2020 we hosted two different series where Executive Directors participated online or received resources as part of the ED Support Network.
It continues to be important to lean on the power of our network to help each other to get through this and come out the other end stronger. EDs, especially, are carrying a lot as we navigate this ongoing uncertain time; everything is unprecedented. We still don’t know exactly how to do this because we just simply have not been through it before.
The ED Support Network will continue to meet on a monthly basis for a facilitated online call to check in across the sector, debrief, share learning, and support each other during this transformational time.
Each session will start with a well-being check in as support to one another. Given COVID-19 and our collective commitment to anti-oppression, an equity and inclusion lens will be integrated into all sessions. A follow up list of resources and tools that emerge from each session will be provided to all participants.
TARGET AUDIENCE: CEOs, Executive Directors and anyone who fulfills a similar management role supporting a nonprofit and/or charity.