Is your agri-food business or idea ready to reach the next level of growth, but in need of R&D support to get ahead?
London Economic Development Corporation is excited to introduce the services of Fanshawe College's Centre for Research & Innovation (CRI).
Their applied research expertise can be the missing ingredient to help you leap ahead competitively.
Join our free joint webinar, presented exclusively for London's agri-food community.
Discover how CRI can support your business through scientific leadership, access to R&D funding up to $100,000 per eligible project, and a network of industry partners.
CRI is ready to unlock innovation that drives the agri-food industry forward.
Food Innovation at CRI
• Expertise in nutritional and shelf-life testing to help emerging agri-food businesses launch new and improved food and beverage
• One of Canada's only cannabis research licenses to support the processing industry with food and beverage development.