Introducing "Breaking Barriers," an impactful video series developed by the Office of EDID and directed by King's graduate, Moses Latigo Odida ‘09. This initiative, born from the Anti-Racism Working Group Report recommendations, aims to highlight the experiences of equity-denied groups within the King's community.
"The goal isn't about not speaking and not asking questions, it's about becoming more aware of the types of questions that you're asking," Jen Slay, Director of EDID.
The first video of the series, "Microaggressions," shares the candid stories of five individuals at King's to raise awareness about microaggressions, understand their impact, and work toward a more inclusive community.
Visit to learn more about how the EDID Office provides leadership to further integrate and advance King’s University College’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion as well as truth, reconciliation, and Indigenous engagement.