High Speed Rail Canada is putting on the third in their series of high speed rail symposiums for the public across Canada in London, Ontario on Thursday, May 28th 2009, from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the City of London Council Chambers, 300 Dufferin Avenue. High Speed Rail Canada, (HSRC) a citizen's national advocacy group dedicated to the education on, and the implementation of, high speed trains in Canada, has announced the line-up of guest speakers for the London symposium. The symposium is being co-sponsored by the London Economic Development Corporation and the City of London.
The key note speaker is the Honourable David Collenette, former Federal Minister of Transport. Other speakers include representatives from three manufacturers of high speed rail. These manufacturers include; Alstom, Bombardier and Siemens.
Paul Langan, Founder of High Speed Rail Canada states, "David Collenette has a wealth of knowledge and experience relating to the politics of trying to improve passenger rail service in the federal government. His previous talks on the subject were extremely helpful in understanding the challenges Canada faces in moving towards a modern high speed passenger rail service."
Pre-registration is mandatory to attend the May 28th, London symposium. The cost to attend is only $15.00. It includes a light dinner. Seating is limited to 125 in the council chambers. To register for the symposium go to the High Speed Rail Canada website at highspeedrail.ca.
For more information contact; Lesley Cornelius, Director, Marketing and Communications, London Economic Development Corporation, 380 Wellington Street, Suite 701 London, Ontario N6A 5B5 Tel: 519-661-5009 – 1-800-327-2428