Survey goal: In order to increase city vibrancy through various positive initiatives, we need to understand what is important to our BIA and why. For us to make informed decisions for future events, we need to know what worked, what didn’t, and where there is still room for improvement. We feel that we’ll be able to better support future events from hearing about your unique individual experience below.
Confidentiality: We will keep all information collected from this survey confidential. We will not disclose or provide any personal information collected to any third-party entities.
Brief event description: Downtown for the Holidays 2022 was a collaborative event that spanned the month of December and was coordinated by Downtown London, Covent Garden Market, Tourism London, Dundas Place, and the City of London. Our aim was to bring people to our downtown core to experience positive festive event programming, creating lasting memories and interactions with and among our diverse community of businesses in order to increase familiarity and increased positive interactions.
Event website: