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ESC Call for Nominations - Steering Committee

Employment Sector Council’s Steering Committee is seeking new members and welcomes nominations from ESC member organizations.

The ESC Steering Committee is responsible for identifying and gathering input to address issues in accordance with ESC's mission, goals, policies, and strategic directions. The Steering Committee strives to be representative of the diversity of our community.

ESC Steering Committee members are nominated or self-nominated Members of the ESC membership. Terms are two-year, renewable for a maximum of three terms. Terms begin in September with an orientation for new members.

ESC Steering Committee meetings are held monthly from September to June. Summer meetings are held at the discretion of the Co-Chairs. Meetings are usually held in The Skill Centre, 141 Dundas Street from 9:00 am to 10:30 am on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

In addition to the Steering Committee, there are several ESC standing Subcommittees, (Professional Development, Strategic Planning, Communications, Training, Job Developers Network, Policy, and Membership). ESC Project, Task Force, and Working Groups and Subcommittees are created as needed. There is an expectation that Steering Committee members will participate in at least one of these. The total annual commitment is approximately 40 hours, including meetings. This time commitment is normally within the workday.

Nominations will be reviewed by the ESC Membership Committee and new members will be provided with all ESC policies that govern actions and work of the ESC Steering Committee, as well as all pertinent Council materials, resources, and supports.

As a Steering Committee member, you will be asked to demonstrate your commitment by signing a Letter of Understanding at the first Steering Committee meeting of the year. This letter addresses your willingness to support the Mission, Values and Polices of ESC in general, and specifically addresses the areas of Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality and Commitment of Time.

Please fill out the following 2017 Nomination Form to apply for the ESC Steering Committee and send it to: Carol Stewart at

You can contact Carol with any questions by phone as well: (519) 663-0774

Employment Sector Council
141 Dundas Street, 4th Fl.
London, Ontario
N6A 1G3
P: 519-663-0074
F: 519-663-5377  

This is how I can help.

Ashley Conyngham

Ashley Conyngham

Director, Marketing and Communications

  • I can share your local business news & events
  • Promote your tech or manufacturing jobs 
  • Collaborate with you on your industry event
  • Help your business reach new audiences
  • Provide communications support for your SME

This is how i can help