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International Clinical Trials Day Celebrates a History of Innovation in Research and Excellence in Patient Care

LONDON, Ontario – The Lawson Health Research Institute and affiliated hospital sites across London and St. Thomas will be celebrating a history of innovation in research and excellence in patient care as part of International Clinical Trials Day on Friday, May 18.

Every year, approximately 30,000 individuals volunteer to take part in Lawson clinical trials. A clinical trial is a cutting-edge research study designed to answer important medical questions, and it may include the use of new drug treatments, medical devices, or other medical interventions. Insulin and pacemakers are just two of the many discoveries made through clinical research that have helped people live longer, healthier lives.

“Over the past 16 years, I've been living with Crohn's disease and have
participated in two successful clinical research trials that have allowed me to
improve my quality of life and the lives of those closest to me,” says clinical trial patient, Sylvain Leclerc. “In my opinion, the ingredients of a successful clinical research trial involves active patient participation supported by dedicated and compassionate medical personnel, and that’s exactly the type of care I received at Lawson.”

By participating in clinical trials, individuals can play an active role in their own health care. In addition, clinical trial participants also help researchers answer important questions about future treatments for patients with similar health problems around the world. All drugs and other interventions are rigorously tested and regulated by Health Canada, and each clinical trial must follow strict regulations and guidelines.

Now in its third year, International Clinical Trials Day commemorates the first
recorded clinical trial conducted by James Lind on May 20, 1747. Lind was a Scottish surgeon who demonstrated that citrus fruits cure scurvy. His research practices established a foundation for combining scientific research with clinical practice to provide patients with the best possible care.

As a vital part of the Canadian health care system, the Lawson Health Research Institute and affiliated hospitals focus on expanding knowledge through innovative research while maintaining its role as a world-class health care leader. The Institute is involved in more than 1,800 clinical research projects annually, with Lawson scientists conducting more than 500 new projects every year.

For more information on how to become involved in a clinical trial, please contact Ruth Bullas at 519-685-8500 Ext. 76093 or

About Lawson Health Research Institute
Lawson Health Research Institute is the research institute of London Health
Sciences Centre and St. Joseph's Health Care, London. It is one of the largest hospital-based research institutes in Canada and is dedicated to helping people live healthier lives by advancing knowledge of how to prevent, diagnose and treat disease.

For more information, please contact:
Mark Wolfe, Communications Consultant
Lawson Health Research Institute
519-646-6100 ext. 61098

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