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LEDC Ranked #5 of 40 North American Cities for Foreign Direct Investment Web Campaigns by Economic Development Study

(London, ON) – , Montreal-based company, Intelegia, has released the results of its benchmark study “The Canadian American Cities Online Marketing Index 2012” today. The study measures and ranks the online investment attraction and marketing initiatives of the 40 largest North American cities and regions. Intelegia ranked the London Economic Development Corporation’s social media campaigns for Foreign Direct Investment in the top 5. Other top-ranked cities that London is ranked with include Chicago, Halifax, Tampa Bay, Houston, New York City, Edmonton, Regina, Hamilton, Ottawa, and Phoenix.

Isabelle Poirier, President of Intelegia and co-author states “This year, we have seen a clear distinction between early adopters and late comers. Leading agencies are starting to reap the benefits of their efforts and this is just the beginning. We will see addition success stories as CEOs of economic development agencies embrace social media as a competitive advantage.”

The study will serve as an index to other economic development professionals who are looking to improve their agency’s digital marketing strategy for investment attraction and business retention, based on the top-ranked cities’ campaigns and success stories the study outlines. “To be ranked in the top 5 economic development web campaigns by Intelegia is confirmation that London’s efforts to make investment attraction streamlined and accessible via our social media channels is celebrated and admired by agencies throughout North America,” says Peter White, CEO of the LEDC. “It is an honour to have our campaigns considered and made an example of, and we are proud to be ranked with some of the top cities in Canada and the United States.”

About Intelegia

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Intelegia develops and implements marketing strategies leveraging social media in support of economic development, tourism, industry and finance. Intelegia also develops strategies to attract and retain talent and capital investment. With its key expertise in social media, it successfully contributed to communities winning top prizes at the Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) annual awards. Intelegia provides training in North America and in Europe on online marketing research, strategic analysis techniques and the use of social media in marketing and communications. Intelegia publishes a weekly blog post regarding best practices, approaches and tips on the use of social media applications for investment attraction. The blog was launched in 2006 and is read in more than 30 countries. Posts can be read at

For press inquiries, please contact:

Kadie Ward
Director of Marketing & Communications at the LEDC

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