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London Magazine receives IABC London 2017 Virtuoso Award of Merit for Writing

The London Economic Development Corporation’s (LEDC) second version of the London Magazine, released in 2016, receives a 2017 Virtuoso Award of Merit from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) London Chapter for Writing. The London Magazine and all of its promotional materials were created in collaboration with talented, local companies in London, including Lashbrook Marketing and Public Relationsweb.isod.esContact Creative Services Inc., many skilled photographers as well as all of the companies featured in the magazine.

The LEDC is thrilled to be recognized by the IABC for the magazines original, creative content that speaks to working, living, learning, and playing in London, Ontario. The magazine is a prime example of how the LEDC is changing conversations about economic initiatives in London and actively engaging with clients and the community. It’s a one-of-a-kind publication unlike any that exist in the city, which showcases so much of what London has to offer in one place.

The magazine highlights the many attributes that make London unique – from being a preferred test market and innovation hub, to an urban centre with unparalleled quality of life. We (LEDC) invite you to be a part of London – no longer Canada’s best kept secret – Kapil Lakhotia, President and CEO, LEDC

Sharing London’s story
The London Magazine is part of an extensive strategy to market London, Ontario to the world and encourage existing and future businesses to thrive here. It informs, educates and inspires individuals to recognize London’s economic potential and celebrate the successes in London.

The publication offers engaging content about innovation, technology, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, manufacturing, food and beverage processing and professional services, while highlighting key London facts, statistics and advantages like affordable infrastructure, economic initiatives, renowned research facilities and medical firsts.

A large part of telling London’s story includes sharing what makes our city a special place with plenty to do in your spare time. The magazine focuses on advantages like affordable industrial land and London’s test market capabilities, as well as the artistic, historical and cultural landscape in the city.

This is the second edition of the London Magazine, featuring 76 pages of original content and photography, and eight different covers to represent London’s economic sectorial strength. This publication was put together without any advertising and is a free resource and sales tool for businesses, companies, non-profits, foreign and local investors, and community residents, allowing readers to learn more about London, Ontario and help share London’s story with the world.

Over 20,000 copies of the V2 magazine have been distributed to more than 170 Canadian cities and 36 different countries. For local tourism agencies or companies in London, the magazine captures aspects of working and living in London to show their clients what makes London attractive place to come for business and stay for life. LEDC staff and our partners bring the magazines across the globe to conferences and clients, showing them London’s business advantages and how they would be supported if they chose to grow their business in our city.

In 2016, the London Magazine saw three notable awards from provincial and international organizations, including MarCom Awards, International Economic Development Council (IEDC), and the Economic Development Council of Ontario (EDCO). You can read more about these recognitions in our recent article.

Order it for free and browse digitally
You can browse a selection of the London Magazine content digitally on our website and while you’re there, you can order it for free to get the full 76-page publication.

About IABC Virtuoso
Recognizing excellence in communications, creative strategy, and design, IABC London’s Virtuoso Awards honor individuals and teams that help to advance strategic business communications.

Many outstanding businesses, organizations, and individuals were recognized this year at the Virtuoso celebration on June 1st, 2017, including: St. Joseph’s Health Care London, Lashbrook Marketing and Public Relations, The Sunshine Foundation of Canada, Western University, Red Rhino Inc., and London Community Foundation.

For a full list of award winners and merits, please visit IABC’s Virtuoso website.

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Ashley Conyngham

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