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London tech firm adding 50 jobs, launches new products

This article originally appears in the London Free Press on September 25 and is written by Norman De Bono.

A London technology firm is adding 50 jobs, growing its workforce by half, as it unveils new business software.

HRdownloads is launching a new suite of software and adding staff for the new business line, marketing manager Jen Brennan said Wednesday.

For the new suite, its two human resource software packages sold to businesses, HR Fundamentals and HR Complete, have been given a new look adding features and software.

“We have overhauled everything in our system to provide a cleaner, faster way to do existing things,” she said.

That includes managing employee data and allowing information to be sent to workers through an online link, so workers can take training courses online.

“It is the next level version of human resources information systems,” said Brennan.

“The workplace is evolving, it is more digital and we want to be that one-stop shop to grow business. It is about a better user experience and being more online. We want to grow with our clients.”

HRdownloads sells software for HR subscribers annually. The new jobs it is creating are in sales, client support and research to meet the demand for the new products.

The 12-year-old company has seen sales growth of 124 per cent over five years, making it one of Canada’s fastest growing companies according to Canadian Business magazine and its Growth 500 list.

“We’re preparing for something really big,” said chief executive Anthony Boyle in a release. “We continue to experience double-digit growth year over year . . .  and need more people on our team.”

HRdownloads expanded into a second floor at a downtown office space at 195 Dufferin Ave., doubling its space from 10,000 to 20,000 square feet.

The company held an open house at its office Wednesday to celebrate the launch.

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