Magee Rieter Automotive Systems and the London Economic Development Corporation are pleased to announce that Magee Rieter Automotive Systems, based in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, will open a manufacturing plant in London, Ontario Canada.
The plant, which will employ approximately 125 people, supplies floor systems for General Motors and Ford. The 109,000 square foot facility is located at 1800 Huron Street. Beginning in the spring of 2003, the plant will be in full production supplying floor systems for the 2004 model-year Ford and General Motors vehicles.
"London is the centre of the Ontario automotive belt" said Tim Smith, Vice President Manufacturing for Magee Rieter Automotive Systems. "Also, the culture of London is very close to the culture in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, and this was very important to our decision."
LEDC President and CEO John Kime said that today's announcement is a major boost for the City of London. "Magee Rieter's decision to locate here is confirmation that we have the work force that companies such as this need to run a profitable enterprise, and it's continuing confirmation of the importance of the automotive sector to our economic growth."
Key management staff will be hired locally in the first six months of 2002, with the balance of employee hiring taking place at the end of 2002, in preparation for full production in the spring of 2003.
Magee Rieter Automotive Systems is a 50-50 joint-venture company of Magee Industrial Enterprises of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania and Rieter Holding Corporation of Wintertur, Switzerland.
For further information call:
Mr. Don Stahl
HR Director, Magee Rieter Automotive Systems
Mr. John Kime
President and CEO, London Economic Development Corporation
Magee Rieter Automotive Systems in London
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