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Race Roster invests in the future with Apple Watches

On a Friday in late July, Race Roster employees were instructed to meet at 7am at Masonville Mall in London, Ontario for a team event with no further instruction. After a few groans, the team arrived to a surprise that no one expected. The 40 employees were led to the Apple Store and greeted by furious applause from Regional Managers and staff of Apple Stores from across Ontario.

After settling in, they were all gifted with Apple Watches (valued at nearly $500 each) as they listened to a moving speech from Race Roster CEO Alex Vander Hoeven about the future of the company.

“Our people are Race Roster’s competitive advantage. They are the ones who take care of our customers, so it’s crucial we take care of them,” explained Vander Hoeven.

These are the kind of perks one would expect from a Silicon Valley Technology Company, and it’s happening right here in London, Ontario. Having established itself as a key player in the North American market, Race Roster is now moving an eye to the future of wearable technology.

Vander Hoeven continued, “Wearable technology in the fitness space is evolving quickly and as a technology partner to over 2000 endurance events, we need to evolve with it. We have an idea on how devices like the Apple Watch will enhance the experiences of runners and other types of athletes, but without real hands on experience, it will be difficult to truly know how our business can leverage wearables in a meaningful way. We’re putting Apple Watches in the hands of our employees so they can explore and imagine new ways to put them to use in our industry.”

A move like this by Race Roster only adds to the growing optimism in London’s technology sector. In the coming twelve months, Race Roster has plans to grow to 50 employees and will look to expand their technology offerings in North America and beyond.

About Race Roster

Since November of 2011, Race Roster has helped over 2000 organizations grow their events, while saving them a significant amount of time and money. Race Roster employs 40 people, all focused on creating the best technology and customer experience for Event Organizers and participants. Unlike many of the competitors in the space, Race Roster focuses specifically on endurance events. Thus, the company’s staff is made up of ex-pro athletes, Canadian Olympic hopefuls, and, of course, technology experts. At the core, the team at Race Roster are Event Organizers and athletes serving Event Organizers and athletes.

Media Contact

Dennis Mazajlo

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