Students can begin working as early as Monday, May 6 and continue until the end of August.
Degree, Graduate Certificate, Advanced Diploma and Diploma students are available.
Posting Timeline
Conestoga College facilitates recruitment on an ongoing basis - postings are accepted beginning four months before the start of a term until all students have secured employment (provided the minimum 12 consecutive weeks of full-time work (420 hours) is met).
The final date to post a job is Monday, May 20.
The final date to secure a student for the spring work term is Friday, May 24th, with a start date of Monday, May 27.
Co-op Programs and Student Availability
For a comprehensive list of programs and detailed program information - including student capabilities, see the Co-op Recruitment webpage:
At this time, the following program areas are especially in need of work term opportunities:
Computer Science:
- Applied Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Software Engineering Technology
Engineering, Technology & Trades:
- Electrical Technician - Industrial
- Structural Steel Management and Detailing
- Powerline Technician
- Electro Mechanical & Automation Maintenance
Easily Post or Re-Post a Job
- Via your MyCareer account (preferred) - Via email
Send us the details:
Conestoga College has students available from 72 co-op programs in a variety of disciplines. Our Employer Relations team is ready to assist you in selecting the most appropriate program, determining an appropriate wage, scheduling job interviews, and presenting co-op offers.